Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving and some hair dye....

We had a great Thanksgiving with Tyler's family! We were supposed to go over to Seattle but on Wednesday morning I woke up with the stomach flu :( Luckily I was feeling better on Thursday so I got to be a part of the celebration!

Uncle Tywer and Andrew watching Toy Story after Thanksgiving dinner

We had a great time with Ty's family! Ate yummy food, watched a movie and played some games as a family! Im so thankful for the family in my life and I know they were chosen to be mine for a reason! Thanks again Aaron and Janel for having us :)

I forgot that I didn't posts pictures of my new hair! I have been trying to grow my hair out for a few years now and I finally decided that going a little darker might help! Blonde was getting to be too much work and I was ready for a change!

I realize Im in my bathroom, but it has the best light!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Getting excited for Christmas now!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Here comes November!

Crazy to think it's November already! Of course we can't forget because it's FREEZING now! November will be a fun but busy month! My sister in law and I are doing the Clarkston craft fair next weekend and we are very excited to see how successful we are! Last week Ty met with a Kidney specialist in Pullman and was pretty discouraged with what they said. Basically there was nothing they could do except give him some suggestions on how to change his diet to help prevent him from getting the stones. Hopefully he won't have anymore now! Ty is doing great in school but is very ready for this semester to be over! Work is going great for me! We had lots of fun activities planned for Halloween and I loved seeing all my babies dressed up in their costumes! We are doing a Thanksgiving feast for our room this month so that's our next event! Overall we are doing great! Just enjoying life and watching it go way too fast!